# SmartSqlMapConfig

# Demo

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<SmartSqlMapConfig xmlns="http://SmartSql.net/schemas/SmartSqlMapConfig.xsd">
    <DbProvider Name="SqlServer"/>
    <Write Name="WriteDB" ConnectionString="Data Source=.;database=TestDB;uid=sa;pwd=SmartSql.net"/>
    <Read Name="ReadDB-0" ConnectionString="Data Source=.;database=TestDB;uid=sa;pwd=SmartSql.net" Weight="80"/>
    <Read Name="ReadDB-1" ConnectionString="Data Source=.;database=TestDB;uid=sa;pwd=SmartSql.net" Weight="20"/>
    <TypeHandler Name="Json" Type="SmartSql.TypeHandler.JsonTypeHandler,SmartSql.TypeHandler"/>
    <SmartSqlMap Path="Maps" Type="Directory"></SmartSqlMap>

# Settings Label Attribute

Attribute Note
ParameterPrefix Global parameter prefix, using the default to fit all DB
IgnoreParameterCase Ignore parameter case
IsCacheEnabled Whether to turn on caching

# Database Child elements

element Note
DbProvider DbProviderFactory implementation classes for each Db Client
Write Write Library (required)
Read Read library (optional)

# DbProvider element

Attribute Note
Name Name identification, DB environment identification available for Env tags
ParameterPrefix Parameter prefix:[SqlServer:@ ; MySQL:? ; Oracle::]
Type Type

# Write element

Attribute Note
Name Name identification
ConnectionString Database Connection string

# Read element

Attribute Note
Name Name identification
ConnectionString Database Connection string
Weight Weight

# TypeHandlers

# TypeHandler element

Attribute Note
Name Name identification
Type Type

# SmartSqlMaps child element

element Note
SmartSqlMap Used to locate SmartSqlMap file locations

# SmartSqlMap element

Attribute Note
Path Used to locate SmartSqlMap File/directory location
Type Enumeration type: File/Directory,File: for file resources; directory: for directory resources, take all MAP files under that directory